The tialt toolkit is a set of participatory research methods bringing people together to explore what it means to be human.
The tools are inclusive, engaging and beautiful. They encourage deep thinking, thoughtful discussion and spontaneity.
We use and develop the tialt toolkit in our research work with clients, but we want to share and develop it together with our peers, friends and colleagues. We want to build a toolkit that can inspire more meaningful human interaction and help us all to understand each other better.
The tools are free for everyone to use and adapt, we just ask that you share your experiences with us and the tialt community so we can develop the toolkit together over time.
We also ask that you read our ethics and copyright statements so no-one gets hurt!
Ethics statement
It’s important that we carefully consider the ethics of our work at all stages. We have a professional responsibility to think about the rights of those who take part in any research process.
We need to approach our work in a way that has care and compassion at its core, and minimises harm.
Our ethics statement outlines some key considerations if using the tialt TOOLKIT in your work.
Copyright statement
We spend a lot of time researching, designing and developing the tools, which are also building from the ideas of many other people (for which we are very grateful).
The tialt TOOLKIT is therefore protected by a Creative Commons Attribution/ShareAlike licence.
If you use or share the tools directly we just ask that you acknowledge tialt as the designers. You can re-use, adapt and reformat any elements of the tools in your work. We just ask that you also make this available under the same licence format.